— Dance Music

- Label: Physical Education Recording
- Released: 6 April 2018
Mastersystem is a project comprised two sets of musical siblings. A collaborative effort featuring Scott Hutchison and Grant Hutchison (Frightened Rabbit), Justin Lockey
(Editors), James Lockey (Minor Victories).
The idea for the band came about on an uncomfortably hot day in Berlin, 2016. The conversation went something like this:
Justin - ‘So, Yer think, we should I dunno, maybe do something at some point, sometime… yer know, kinda heavy maybe, but still melodic… but a bit fuzzy / heavy? ‘
Scott - ‘Aye.’
Grant - ‘Aye…’
Justin - ‘Nice one. I’ll email you’s’
Dance Music
Dance Music is a dark, honest, soaring album, exactly what one might expect if Frightened Rabbit, Editors and Minor Victories combined forces. The album is the story of four bearded men in their thirties, making an album they are immensely proud of. For obvious reasons it feels entirely inappropriate to include any promotional quotes from Scott or the band from around the time of release.
— Dance Music
- Label: Physical Education Recording
- Released: 6 April 2018